The best thing to do as a friend is to give them a piece of advice and hope that they will take it seriously and use it as their torch until they reach the exit of the cave that they are taking off----
It's a rainy Saturday and I'm doing my job at home when suddenly my computer collapsed, so in order for me to deliver the reports quick I need to go to the nearest mall and buy the parts that I need.
I lighted up 2 cigar before I decided to ride a public vehicle. And coincidentally, I saw my two friends inside the bus and told me to hang out and play bingo. At first I dunno what is the matter with them, coz they don't usually do that. Later on-- they opened to me their problems, so after I bought the things that I need and after they played bingo I invited them to go home with me and talk about their troubles.
The first guy is already a father (at his young age) sometimes he even can't buy his child a milk to drink for the next day. A couple of hours passed and after listening to him, I talked to his wife and asked for her side. As a friend, I shared my experiences and how I deal with my troubles. Sometimes, immature acts can destroy the things that you treasures so much. I can hear his wife crying over the phone, admitting all the faults even though she has a right point, the guy cried also and he accept his own mistakes. At some point, you need to disregard your pride for the sake of your relationship.
The second guy is in a family broken situation and stays with his mom. I already met his mother and she's beautiful inside and out. This second guy acts like a child, in my experiences and what his mom told me, he needs a person to lean on and guide him. As what I saw in him, he's taking his path in the wrong way sometimes. We always tell him that do not use his family situation to ruin his life. We feel so guilty and sad for his mom because of the things that he is doing. One day, his mom asked me to take care of him every time she's not around, invite him to meet God and open his eyes to see the beauty of life.
Time lapsed and their family are looking for them, waiting for them to go home. The last word that was tattooed on my mind is when they both expressed that "it's a good coincidence that the three of us are on the same bus, and maybe this is the way of God in showing his love.."
Whatever problems that we face, if God is in you there's is no obstacles that you can't beat. A successful relationship is when you allow God to enter your heart.
nice :)